Happy New Year! I don’t think anyone will dispute that 2020 was a very unique year. The Bonnycastle not only survived, but people still want to become members.

The New Year starts off with a new Board of Directors and an infusion of new blood. I would like to thank TJ Echsner, Chris Whigham, Chad Clifton, and Tom Stone for their service over the years on the Board. Chris and Chad will still be serving the club in other roles so you will continue to see their smiling faces at the club. This year we welcome Mark Blankenbaker as Vice President and Marty Pohl as Secretary. We also have two new Directors in Chris Meyers and Matt Rivard. In the spirit of keep the club a vibrant place and keeping everything fresh and new, we are going to try some new things. The club’s Vice President, Mark Blankenbaker, will be writing the Newsletter as “Coaches Corner”. Many people know Mark as “Coach” (for eight years he was the women’s field hockey assistant coach at Bellarmine University, then 8 more years as the head coach). I would like to welcome and congratulate Mark, and will turn over this newsletter to him.

Yours truly,

Larry Marko

Bonnycastle Club 2021 President

“Coaches Corner”

January 2021, form the desk of Mark Blankenbaker

So difficult to even know how to begin recalling 2020, a year that will surely live in infamy with all that has transpired. In spite of a horrific pandemic and a most unusual election year, we reflect on a year of blessings and changes in the way we live now and maybe in the future.  Most of all we hope just to know that you are surviving these historic times and that you and yours are in good health and ready to return to the Bonnycastle Club sooner than later.

I’d like to remember and thank everyone for fully supporting the Bonnycastle Club during a very difficult year. Each of you has contributed to the Club in some way.  However, a core group of men have been leading the way for several years, some of whom will step back in 2021 and enjoy a strong drink and remember that they helped keep the Bonnycastle a special place for everyone. When you see these men at the Club, please thank them for their service to the Bonnycastle and buy them a drink (as long they are still standing).

Tom Stone – Secretary, TJ Echsner – Board Member, Chad Clifton – Board Member and Chris Whigham – Board Member.  Jim McGee, VP will take a position on the Board. Chris Whigham will still lead the Activities Committee and Chad Clifton will lead the way as the Head of the Bar Committee.

Elections were held on Monday December 14th, during a difficult time we had a very nice turnout for the voting and everyone enjoyed Chili provided by John Petrie. The results:


Larry Marko – President                          Ed Cundiff – Treasurer

Mark Blankenbaker – Vice President       Marty Pohl – Secretary


Mark Allgeier                                          Jim McGee

Patrick Deem                                         Cecil Green

Bill Reisert                                             John Mudd

Dan Kauffmann                                      Chris Meyer

Matt Rivard

Moving forward into 2021, we are hopeful attendance picks up with the COVID Vaccine now being available from Moderna and Pfizer. We will still use our safety protocols that we have adopted over the past several months. Remember to wear a mask to enter and exit the Club and while moving around inside and at the Bar. Practice social distancing, no standing or sitting at the bar and don’t move the tables. Clean your table before leaving the space to help limit exposure to others. This plan has worked for the Club and we want to continue our outstanding results.

To all the Beer lovers remember we installed several beers on tap for your enjoyment, so take a minute to look over the new selections located at the north end of the bar. We now have a pizza oven for you to enjoy while at the club. Pizza cost $6.00 each and we have several types for you to select from. The oven is where the popcorn machine once resided. Working on a new location for the Popcorn machine, but that will not happen until the COVID crisis is over.

We have a lot of new members at the Club, so take a moment to introduce yourself and help make them feel comfortable. You were once a newbie!  Activities will slowly resume in the spring, below is a list of planned events for January 2021. Check the weekly announcements for full details.

January 2nd was a big day at the club with UK and IU playing in Bowl games. We had a huge spread of food for the games.

January 7th – Thirsty Thursday

January 20th – Wing Nite

January 24th – Italian Dinner hosted by a new member Mitch Huff. Before becoming a Region Manager & Sales Consultant, Mitch was an executive chef in Southern Ohio. We are all looking forward to that meal.

Looking forward to a great 2021 at the Bonnycastle Club!

Best wishes,


Mark Blankenbaker